Last week a dream became a reality. 11 beautiful people descended on the island of Aegina for our first LaughingHeart retreat, “the Odyssey of Intent”. I have to say it was a little bit special…

Ok there were no “one eyed cyclops” but other than that we had all the makings of a great human adventure. Tears, laughter (a lot of laughter), pain, joy and triumphs. There was the unknown and the unexpected, the mysterious and the mythical. Ancient olive groves and ancient sea farers. There was love, connection, play and raw authentic humanity. As the week unfolded, each of us got a little closer to our true selves and our deepest desire and intent…

On a personal level I had always wanted to co host a retreat combining deep personal work with a splash of hedonism (think a combination of Zorba and Buddha energies) but i was never really sure if that was possible…until now

It is!

I’m so proud of all the the team involved and excited about the next one :)

The Odyssey of Intent - A dream became reality

Below is just a small part of one of the many amazing testimonials we received:

“I had no idea where the odyssey of intent would lead me but right now i can say it was one of the most impactful weeks of my life. It started right from the moment i saw the place and met the facilitators. They were open, authentic and pure and i felt that immediately.. This retreat is full of surprises and turns you around and around and around. I found some profound beauty in showing my vulnerability and opening my heart to strangers. i fell in love with every one of them and with humanity as a whole. It was just beautiful. Right now I’m so full of energy and feel so motivated and before i was quite lost. I was 22 years in the banking industry…now i know exactly what i have to do. “

Take a look on the “Odyssey of Intent” event page here.