The power of wanting the seemingly impossible…
Many years ago a wrote a note on a piece of paper. It said one day I will build a retreat on an island.
A metaphor for our intent
There are so many metaphors and interpretations of Homers Odyssey. It is probably one of the multitude of reasons why it has stood the test of time.
When I lived in Hong Kong I used to love Chinese new year. Apart from the long break and the good food and celebrations it also felt like a second chance to get clear on my intentions for the coming year.
The Odyssey of Intent – A dream became reality
Last week a dream became a reality. 11 beautiful people descended on the island of Aegina for our first LaughingHeart retreat, "the Odyssey of Intent".
The Camino de Santiago
In April 2019 I walked the 800km pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago.
Zorba the Buddha
If we want a whole man – and to me a whole man is the only holy man – then Zorba has to be absorbed into Buddha.
What is the Good Life?
When it comes to living the good life, we almost all have a certain idea how such a life should look like.
The story of the orphanage
In the port of Aegina there is a huge derelict building next to the town carpark. It must be 400 meters in length, built of stone and with bars on most of the windows. Above the main entrance, that is no longer in use, are written the words "orfanotrofeío", the Greek word for Orphanage.